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Like the model of a national sports team, the SNO is comprised of outstanding musicians, the majority of which are active as soloists and/or first chairs in orchestras both in Switzerland and around the globe, who return to the SNO to share their musical expertise and experiences. Many SNO musicians hold first-chair positions in prominent Swiss orchestras, emphasizing the SNO’s role as a complementary rather than competitive force within the existing musical ecosystem. With more than an 70+ member ensemble, the Orchestra aims to rank among the most competitive music
platforms in the world.

SNO musicians participate on a project basis as independent contractors. Our approach involves strategic planning, aligning SNO events with free periods, allowing our musicians to embark on personal projects during breaks from their regular orchestra commitments. The timing couldn’t be better, as it affords us the opportunity to assemble a dream team of exceptional artists and musicians. The result is a consistent and awe-inspiring standard of artistry and musicality that permeates our performances.

The Swiss National Orchestra is a non-profit, tax-exempt, non-religious and non-political association based in Bern.

Learn about our uniqueness